Zuletzt geändert: 20.06.2022

2022, Isabell, Carlsson; Julian, Mundszinger: The COVID-19 outdoor recreation boom - A comparative case study of motivational based national park visitation in Germany and Sweden



COVID-19 has generated a visitor increase to national parks, posing challenges, such as littering and crowding. Understanding visitor motivation can help the national park management to better facilitate the dual objective of providing recreational opportunities and nature protection. This thesis studies the motivation of national park visitors and the pandemics’ impact on motivation, by comparing the cases of Söderåsen (Sweden) and Black Forest (Germany). We gather data by conducting interviews (N=22) and surveys (N=301).
For the survey, we used Driver’s Recreation Experience Preference scale. A factor analysis revealed five motivational factors, with Holistic nature experience being of greatest importance. It further revealed that COVID-19 had differing impacts on the visitors’ motivation. The interviews supported these findings and provided further motivational insights.
As a result of this work, the management of Söderåsen and Black Forest gained knowledge about their visitors and Driver’s motivational scales have been further tested.

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